Fire Department Rain Gauge Garden Stake Weathervane

$ 94.95

This weathervane would be a great gift for the Fire Department someone in your life. This rain gauge and weathervane combination will add feature and function to your home. It will soon be spinning in your garden with the slightest of breezes and collecting rain water at the same time. Made in the USA, this rain gauge weathervane has been handcrafted of a heavy, 14-gauge steel, and then put through a three step finishing process to create a beautiful piece of garden art that is well made and beautifully finished and will last in your garden thru years of the elements. The glass vial, for collecting rain, can be placed anywhere on the 60-inch garden stake and it attaches using a powder coated steel bracket and rubber grommets which securely holds the glass vial in place. Overall size: design top arrow is 21” in length x 10.5” tall, plus the 60” tall garden stake. This item ships in 5-7 days. 

You can view the entire collection of rain gauge weathervanes at: